The Ministry of Strong Marriages

Strong Marriages partners with churches to nurture God-centered marriages through marriage discipleship, providing a comprehensive approach that includes training, resources, and ongoing support for Marriage Mentors.

What if marriage discipleship was a foundational part of church life—just like Men’s and Women’s Bible Studies, Divorce Care, Celebrate Recovery, and Awanas? What if it was an option before Divorce Care, helping couples strengthen their marriages before they reach a crisis point? Stronger marriages lead to stronger families filled with love, security, and hope—you can be a part of that transformation!


Premarital Experience

The I Promise Premarital Curriculum equips church leaders to guide marriage-minded couples with a Biblical and practical foundation for their marriage. This comprehensive, faith-based program provides couples with essential tools for a God-honoring relationship by enhancing their communication, knowing and understanding the vows they are committing to, and preparing them for a lifelong marriage  commitment.

Whether you're meeting with a couple or leading classes, the I Promise Curriculum will provide the structure, materials, and support to prepare your couples for their marriage, not just the wedding.

Marriage Discipleship

The Marriage Mentors program helps church leaders establish marriage discipleship ministries within their congregations. This program trains, equips, and supports mature, seasoned couples to come alongside other couples, offering solid Biblical principles and practical tools to deepen their faith, strengthen their relationships, and build lasting, Christ-centered marriages.
The Marriage Mentors Online Training and Support System is unique to Strong Marriages. This system provides essential tools for Staff, Ministry Coordinators, and Mentors to create, manage, tracke, and grow marriage ministries.