Frequently Asked Questions

Is it imperative that we meet with a mentee couple every week?

We recommend Mentors and Mentees meet together a minimum of twice each month. When couples agree to meet twice monthly, should the meeting be canceled, it will be at least a month before they resume their regular schedule. 

How long does the typical session last?

Typical mentoring sessions last 1 ½ to 2 hours.

We want to be mentored, but there is no program like this in our church. Where do we start?

Provide information about Marriage Mentors to your church's Marriage and Family Ministry Pastor.  

Can the mentoring be used with a group of 2 or more couples?

Meeting with multiple couples limits transparency, and reduces the ability to address particular issues and conflicts as a Mentor. 

Can this work with a non-Christian couple or individual?

We have seen many professions of faith over the years through the mentoring process. A non-believer will struggle to continue through the materials and process without faith in God. The curriculum, Devoted, is centered on Biblical concepts, and we believe firmly that God, through the Holy Spirit, is the changing agent in the marriage mentoring process. A non-Christian couple can begin the process, but if they don’t see value in a relationship with God at some point early in the process, they probably won’t see the value in the Biblical principles taught. 

How do you pair a mentee couple with a mentor couple?

The Ministry Coordinators or staff of the church pairs Mentors and Mentees. Couples are usually paired by similar life experiences or personality traits and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Is it okay to match a mentee and mentor couple who already know each other?

Ministry leadership pair Mentors and Mentees after a Mentee after the Mentee Qualifying appointment. Ministry leadership uses proven processes to pair. It is okay to match Mentors and Mentees who know each other however it is uncommon in a church organization.

Our church is located in a small rural community. Is training available for us locally? If not, where is the closest location where we can send future mentor couples to be trained?

Marriage Mentors Training Workshop is available on the Marriage Mentors Online Training and Support™ in addition to In-Person Workshops.